It happens to all of us. Those horrendous fowarded emails from your parents, your grandmother, your religious aunt, or even from that person you...
Category - Humor
RP does not equal ERP Pie is not better than cake All PvE server people are not carebears All PvP server people are not ganksters All avatars do not...
Today's TLC Thursday is brought to you by some random starred items in my Google Reader… again. This first link is a non-WoW blog, but I found... Random post is random. See, I was planning to put together my review of Sunday's concert (Mastodon and Dethklok \m/) for...
You might remember the interesting exchange that Sideshow had while on his female warrior. Well, later that evening or the next day, I had an...
While I was on my baby priest (which can I even really call her a disc priest at such a low level?) I got a random whisper asking me about my...