A few days ago when I logged into WoW, I was informed there was a new club started.
The “I Love Syrana Club.”
This fantastic club was created by Kelinarra, Jae, and Rissy, who apparently had all agreed that they loved me. Sideshow and Les (our guild's GM) are battling for the rights to be called the #1 Fan.
So, since I had some extra time on my hands today, I thought it'd be amusing to create a fan club shirt.

Yep. Had a bit too much spare time today. Thought you'd enough this. Now, on the off chance someone would want to proudly sport this baby, (or wants to see a better, up close ‘n personal view of it) you can meander over to here. [Update 5/20/09: Link removed, no longer works] Yup, see the time and work I had to put into this humorous gem for ya on a Friday afternoon? 😉
As president of the fan club, I think we should start shipping these out right away!
OMG you have a fan club! Lemme join lemme join *jumps up and down*
Hmmm…Jae…did you forget that you are Vice-President??? Quit fooling around and get to work! lol
@Keli and Jae – LOL I’ll leave you two in charge of the shirts!
Do we hafta model them ? Lets put one on Syr and then take the garden hose to her! I bet a wet one will sell a ton of them for us! Our idol shall make us reach! *evil grin*
It was supposed to read “rich” sorry for the mistype Syr!
@Jae – lmao That’s one way to increase the fanbase!
Always thinking am I!
[…] to Child’s Play Charity. But hey, I know all of you are dying to get ahold of one of those fan club shirts I made, right? /nudge That’s right, it’s up for […]
[…] remember that “fan club” shirt I designed and posted based upon some amusing guild chat banter? You remember that I […]