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As many of you know, we've welcomed our daughter into the world. She came on Halloween, which was unexpected, yet very much appreciated. She'll have awesome birthday parties.

I thought I'd just post up the basic information and annoucement. Syrana is been quite busy lately and when she's not busy, posting is not high on the list (sleeping is probably up there.)

Say hello to Aerissa Jean. Born on 10/31 at 2:31pm, coming in at 6lbs 10oz. Mom and baby are doing great so far and there is nothing more we could wish for at the moment.

We hope to be back to a more regular schedule here soon, but who knows. I know one of us, probably me, will at least jump into WoW for Cataclysm and there will obviously be thoughts on it. Lastly, thanks for all of the congrats and comments. We really do appreciate them.

A few more pics located on our Flickr page.

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We are a family of gamers. Mom (Darcy/Syrana) and Dad (Brian/Sideshow) have been gaming for as long as they can remember back when you only had a joystick to use and saved your games to cassette tapes.

They've been gaming together since they met in 2002. Sometime after 2006, they both started playing World of Warcraft and did that for many years. They started this blog, originally called Sideshow & Syrana which has now transitioned to the new Stay-At-Home Gamers site, while keeping all of the original content.

Starting in 2010, two more gamers came along (now known as Princess Boo and Mr. X) and they are now old enough where they both enjoy playing games and watching others play games. They are both excited to have others to watch them play their favorite games. Come along with us and let's enjoy these games together!
